Team Nexus Real Estate Blog

How to Downsize Your Home with Ease
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

How to Downsize Your Home with Ease

Downsizing can be a challenging process, but it can also be an opportunity to declutter, simplify, and transition to a new phase of life. Whether you're moving to a smaller home or apartment or simply trying to reduce the amount of clutter in your current space, downsizing requires planning, organization, and a willingness to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

Here are some tips for downsizing your home with ease:

Start early: Downs...
Aging in Place Options For Seniors
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Aging in Place Options for Seniors: "Retrofitting Your Home for Aging in Place" Many seniors prefer to stay in their own homes as they age, rather than moving to an assisted living facility or retirement community. But aging in place requires careful planning to ensure that your home is safe and accessible as you grow older. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how to retrofit your home with aging-friendly features that can help you age in place with comfort and confidence. From grab bars...

Reverse Mortgage Options for Seniors
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Reverse Mortgage Options for Seniors

Reverse Mortgages: "What You Need to Know About Reverse Mortgages" If you're 62 or older, you may be eligible for a reverse mortgage, which can allow you to access the equity in your home to supplement your retirement income or cover unexpected expenses. But what exactly is a reverse mortgage, and how does it work? In this blog post, we'll answer these questions and more, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of reverse mortgages and offering some tips on how...
Why Retirement Communities Are a Great Option for Seniors
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Here are more details associated with Why Retirement Communities Are a Great Option for Seniors.  Also, see this link to access more information on topics such as: Reverse Mortgages, Aging in Place, Downsizing, Estate Planning, Property Tax Relief, and Aging-Friendly Home Features: 

Retirement Communities: "Why Retirement Communities Are a Great Option for Seniors"

As people age, they often find that their housing needs change. Some seniors choose to downsize to a smaller home or apartment, whil...
Senior Housing Real Estate Options
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

As people age, their priorities and concerns regarding real estate tend to shift. Here are the most common topics that may be particularly relevant to people aged 62 and over.  Moreover, you can get more information on each of this topics once you click the link:

Retirement Communities: Many seniors choose to move to age-restricted retirement communities that provide a range of amenities and services. These communities can offer social opportunities, healthcare options, and other resources th...
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Exploring the Food Halls Craze in Commercial Real Estate

The food hall concept has taken the commercial real estate world by storm in recent years. These communal dining spaces offer an array of food options under one roof, creating a unique and enjoyable experience for visitors. But what exactly is driving this trend, and why are developers and landlords jumping on board?

The Rise of Food Halls

Food halls are not a new concept, but their popularity has surged in recent years. In the past, food...
Interesting Real Estate Trend in Champlin MN
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Real Estate Market Update for Champlin MN as of APRIL 1st 2023.

As of February 2023, the real estate market in Champlin, MN is showing some interesting trends. In this article, we will examine the market conditions and analyze the data provided by Minneapolis Area Realtors®. This report covers the rolling 12 months and provides insight into the median sales price changes and the market activity for Champlin. Let's dive into the data and see what it tells us about the current state of the Champl...
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