Team Nexus Real Estate Blog

PROPTECH Innovations in MN Senior Housing Solutions
Frank D'Angelo 2 weeks ago

PROPTECH Innovations in MN Senior Housing Solutions: Empowering Aging with Dignity

The senior population is growing at an unprecedented rate, bringing to light the critical need for innovative housing solutions that support aging with dignity and independence. As a result, Property Technology (PROPTECH) has stepped into the limelight, offering groundbreaking innovations that promise not just to accommodate but to empower our seniors. This article explores how PROPTECH is transforming senior hous...
Frank D'Angelo 1 year ago

Divorcee's Eligible for Half of their Ex-Spouses Social Security Benefits

We bring you this information as we discovered this loophole and fact associated with Social Security benefits from one of our real estate clients.

Are you a divorced individual who is looking to draw social security spousal benefits from your ex-spouse? Well, even if it has been 20 years since your divorce, you may still be eligible for this benefit. It doesn't matter if your ex-spouse has re-married. Here's how it works.
Home Is Where the Heart is More than Ever This Year
Frank D'Angelo 2 years ago

Home Is Where the Heart Is More than Ever This Year

There’s no denying the financial benefits of homeownership, but what’s often overlooked are the feelings of gratitude, security, pride, and comfort we get from owning a home. This year, those emotions are stronger than ever. We’ve lived through a time that has truly changed our needs and who we are, and as a result, homeownership has a whole new meaning for many of us.

According to the 2021 State of the American Homeowner report by Unison:

Frank D'Angelo 3 years ago

Best Way to Sell an inherited Property in Minnesota

Have you recently inherited a house or about to inherit a property from a deceased family member and you’re not sure what needs to be done or don’t want to be dealing with the property maintenance and up-keep?

Hi, my name is Frank D’Angelo a real estate broker who also specializes in probate property sales in Minnesota.

Many executors and personal representatives go the traditional route for liquidating the asset by having one investor buy the...
The Best Legacy Platform for Real Estate Professionals
Frank D'Angelo 4 years ago

The problem with the real estate industry in most cases is that when real estate professionals becomes incapaciated or incapable of earning income; everything typically stops and changes for that agent and their family.  What if they was a better way to start building a legacy earlier in a real estate career?

Few real estate professionals think about building a legacy and fewer think about building one that they are very proud of even during their productive years.  The vast majority of people t...
Frank D'Angelo 8 years ago

Cyber Safety for Kids: Get schooled on apps and sites your kids don’t want you to know about

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